A name is a magical thing. What other word follows us throughout our entire lives, showing up on the lips of friends and strangers alike, during our most important moments as well as our most intimate? A random sequence of sounds, yet somehow uniquely ours. Most of us treat it as a mere identifier, but what if it could be more?

I’ve decided to change my name to Namu (나무), the Korean word for tree.

I love this name because I find it beautiful, and I discovered I could enchant it. When I hear “Namu”, I’m reminded of the qualities of trees that I wish to cultivate in myself. To be grounded, perfectly at home wherever I happen to find myself. To be deeply connected, recognizing that I’m inseparable from other beings and the world around me. To be generous, to bear fruit and be a resting place for all.

Namu also contains a hidden meaning: If you split up the characters, Na (나) means “I” or “me” and Mu (무) means “without” or “nothing”. Without I. Not-self. Exploring the illusory nature of the self and of all things through the practice of meditation has been the most significant and profound journey of my life, and I’ve chosen a name that honors and reflects that.

Enchanted with these meanings, my name will serve as a practice. May the name “Namu” remind me to meet each moment with the gentleness, ease, and kindness of a tree; may it remind me that this life is not for me to hold onto but to give away. Namu: A reminder, an intention, a mantra, a name.